All data in this example is from Northwind database, distributed as example database by Microsoft, you can download it here: Northwind database for SQL Server
First, we add a set of LINQ to SQL Classes, with the next result
And we add a method to retrieve our sets of data
using (NorthwindDataContext nwContext = new NorthwindDataContext())
customerList = (from cust in nwContext.Customers
select cust).ToList<Customer>();
orderList = (from ord in nwContext.Orders
select ord).ToList<Order>();
productList = (from prod in nwContext.Products
select prod).ToList<Product>();
supplierList = (from supp in nwContext.Suppliers
select supp).ToList<Supplier>();
categoryList = (from cat in nwContext.Categories
select cat).ToList<Category>();
The first join operation we perform is a simple inner join of equivalence that produces a result ser of Customers that has a matching element in Orders
var customer_orders = from cust in customerList
join ord in orderList
on cust.CustomerID equals ord.CustomerID
orderby cust.ContactName ascending
select new { cust.ContactName, ord.OrderID };
foreach (var cust_ord in customer_orders)
Console.WriteLine("Customer = {0}, Order Id = {1}",
cust_ord.ContactName, cust_ord.OrderID);
The result of this query is the next
The second query is an inner join that produces a sequence of objects, each of which has a key and an inner sequence of all matching elements, we get this result set through the keyword into
var customer_orders = from cust in customerList
join ord in orderList on cust.CustomerID equals ord.CustomerID
into cs
orderby cust.ContactName ascending
select new { Key = cust.CustomerID, Items = cs };
foreach (var cust in customer_orders)
Console.WriteLine("Customer ID = {0} :", cust.Key);
foreach (var order in cust.Items)
Console.WriteLine(" - Order: {0}, {1}", order.OrderDate, order.OrderID);
You can also select elements from the set produced by the into clause
var prodByCategory = from cat in categoryList
join prod in productList
on cat.CategoryID equals prod.CategoryID
into ps
from p in ps
select new { CategoryName = cat.CategoryName, p.ProductName };
foreach (var item in prodByCategory)
Console.WriteLine("Category = {0}. Product Name = {1}",
item.CategoryName, item.ProductName);
With the next query, we perform a left outer join to produce a result set that includes all the left hand side elements at least once, even if they don't match any right side element
DefaultIfEmpty preserves left-hand elements that have no matches on the right side
var productSupps = from prod in productList
join sup in supplierList on prod.SupplierID equals sup.SupplierID
into ps
from p in ps.DefaultIfEmpty()
orderby prod.ProductName
select new
PName = prod.ProductName,
SName = p == null ? "--- No suppliers ---" : p.CompanyName
foreach (var product in productSupps)
Console.WriteLine("Product mame = {0} . Supplier name = {1}",
product.PName, product.SName);