In this post we will make a review of the main grouping operations applied with LINQ
The first step will be adding our diagram of LINQ to SQL Classes
For the sake of simplicity, we will program the function LoadContext, which we will call once and will preload data in typed lists
The next method will make an average of sales grouped by customers, and grouped by products in the second case
The output is as follows
The next method will extract sales data grouped by product and the different periods of sale date
Notice that in this occasion, we don't have performed the join to the product set, instead, we have used the access property to the set of products from the set of sales
The result is the next
We can also use lambda syntax in order to release more group operations, such as max or min
The result is this
The first step will be adding our diagram of LINQ to SQL Classes
For the sake of simplicity, we will program the function LoadContext, which we will call once and will preload data in typed lists
static void LoadContext()
using (BusinessDataContext businessCtx = new BusinessDataContext())
customers = (from cst in businessCtx.B_CUSTOMERs
select cst).ToList<B_CUSTOMER>();
products = (from prd in businessCtx.B_PRODUCTs
select prd).ToList<B_PRODUCT>();
providers = (from prv in businessCtx.B_PROVIDERs
select prv).ToList<B_PROVIDER>();
providers_products = (from prv_prd in businessCtx.B_PROVIDERS_PRODUCTs
select prv_prd).ToList<B_PROVIDERS_PRODUCT>();
sales = (from sls in businessCtx.B_SALEs
select sls).ToList<B_SALE>();
The next method will make an average of sales grouped by customers, and grouped by products in the second case
static void getAvgSales()
var avgSalesByCustomer =
(from s in sales
join c in customers
on s.IdCustomer equals c.IdCustomer
group s by new { c.FirstName, c.LastName } into cust
orderby cust.Key.FirstName
select new
Customer = cust.Key.FirstName + " " + cust.Key.LastName,
CountSales = cust.Count(),
AvgSales = cust.Average(sl => sl.Price)
var avgSalesByProduct =
(from s in sales
join p in products
on s.IdProduct equals p.IdProduct
group s by new { p.Description } into product
orderby product.Key.Description
select new
Product = product.Key.Description,
CountSales = product.Count(),
CountUnits = product.Sum(sl => sl.Cuantity),
AvgSales = product.Average(sl => sl.Price)
Console.WriteLine("\n\nAVERAGE BY CUSTOMER\n\n");
foreach (var avgSale in avgSalesByCustomer)
Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1} purchases : {2}$", avgSale.Customer,
avgSale.CountSales, string.Format("{0:N2}", avgSale.AvgSales));
Console.WriteLine("\n\nAVERAGE BY PRODUCT\n\n");
foreach (var avgSale in avgSalesByProduct)
Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1} sales : {2} units : {3}$", avgSale.Product,
avgSale.CountSales, avgSale.CountUnits, string.Format("{0:N2}",
The output is as follows
The next method will extract sales data grouped by product and the different periods of sale date
static void getSalesByDate()
var salesByPeriod =
(from s in sales
group s by new
{ s.B_PRODUCT.Description, s.SaleDate} into grp
orderby grp.Key.SaleDate, grp.Key.Description
select new
Date = grp.Key.SaleDate.Value.ToString("MM/yyyy"),
Product = grp.Key.Description,
CountSales = grp.Count(),
CountUnits = grp.Sum(sl => sl.Cuantity),
AvgSales = grp.Average(sl => sl.Price)
Console.WriteLine("\n\nAVERAGE BY DATE PERIOD\n\n");
foreach (string date in salesByPeriod.Select(s => s.Date).Distinct())
foreach (var sale in salesByPeriod.Where(s => s.Date == date))
Console.WriteLine("-- {0} : {1} sales : {2} units : {3}$",
sale.Product, sale.CountSales, sale.CountUnits,
string.Format("{0:N2}", sale.AvgSales));
Notice that in this occasion, we don't have performed the join to the product set, instead, we have used the access property to the set of products from the set of sales
The result is the next
We can also use lambda syntax in order to release more group operations, such as max or min
static void getSalesByDate()
var salesByPeriod =
(from s in sales
group s by new
{ s.B_PRODUCT.Description, s.SaleDate} into grp
orderby grp.Key.SaleDate, grp.Key.Description
select new
Date = grp.Key.SaleDate.Value.ToString("MM/yyyy"),
Product = grp.Key.Description,
CountSales = grp.Count(),
CountUnits = grp.Sum(sl => sl.Cuantity),
AvgSales = grp.Average(sl => sl.Price)
var maxSalesDate = (from sl in salesByPeriod select sl)
.Where(sl => sl.AvgSales == salesByPeriod.Max(sld => sld.AvgSales));
The result is this