WCF Services can declare methods which are invoked in one way mode, this implies the method will be called but the client side will not expect a reply, so will continue its operations without time leaks waiting for a response. This configuration is optimal for operations which don't require feedback results
OneWay methods can be bi-directionals, through a dual configuration, allowing client and server initiate invocation calls to each other. This mechanism is very useful for long-running processes in case the client expects a reply
In this post we develop a dual communication through a wsDualHttpBinding endpoint. These are the key points of the mechanism:
- The service will expose an interface with the definition of the callback method, this method will be also marked as OneWay
- This interface will be implemented in the client side
- The OneWay method in the service will use this implementation to communicate with the client side once finish tasks
- The client side must not dispose the InstanceContext with the server til the communication ends, the callback from the server will be treated as an event
The first step will be the definition of the interface in the service
[ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(IBookServiceCallBack))]
public interface IBookService
int AddBook(string title, string isbn, string synopsis, int idAuthor);
int AddAuthor(string firstName, string lastName, string biography);
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void SendNewTitlesToSubscriptors(DateTime booksAddedAfterDate);
And this is the definition of IBookServiceCallBack
public interface IBookServiceCallBack
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void NotifyClient(string message);
We will focus on the method SendNewTitlesToSubscriptors, which will invoke the notification event on the client side
public void SendNewTitlesToSubscriptors(DateTime booksAddedAfterDate)
INotificationServiceCallBack notificationSend =
"New titles added since {0} have been sent successfully", booksAddedAfterDate));
With this configuration the client reference will add the interface IBookServiceCallBack
<service name="BookService.BookService">
<endpoint address="CallBackService"
binding="wsDualHttpBinding" contract="BookService.IBookService"/>
Now the code in the client side:
private InstanceContext instance
get { return new InstanceContext(new BookStoreNotificationHandler()); }
private BookServiceClient client
get { return new BookServiceClient(instance); }
private void btnSendNewTitles_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
DateTime booksAddedAfterDate = dpBooksAddedFromDate.SelectedDate.Value;
Thread threadSendNewTitles = new Thread(() =>
lblSendStep.SetContent("Sending new titles, please wait...");
and the implementation of IBookServiceCallBack as an event handler:
public class BookStoreNotificationHandler : IBookServiceCallback
public void NotifyClient(string message)
* Notice that in both cases we have used the extension method SetContent in order to control the content of the components in threading, as specified in this post:
WPF MainWindow Instance
The result of this mechanism is the next: