Constructing Expression Trees in runtime encapsulates the logic of the tree into the Expression
In this post we have an example of Construct and Compile Lambda Expression, with a simple logic, the function receives a name and a number of request days, and for each day adds it to the result
The expression before compile is the next tree:
The implementation of ConstructRuntimeFunction is the next:
In this post we have an example of Construct and Compile Lambda Expression, with a simple logic, the function receives a name and a number of request days, and for each day adds it to the result
var test = ConstructRuntimeFunction();
var i = test("test", 4);
//"test, 0 added, 1 added, 2 added, 3 added, 4 added"
The expression before compile is the next tree:
The implementation of ConstructRuntimeFunction is the next:
static Func<string, int, string> ConstructRuntimeFunction()
var prmA = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string), "name");
var prmB = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "request_days");
var loopDays = Expression.Variable(typeof(int), "loop_days");
var dayDate = Expression.Variable(typeof(DateTime), "day_date");
var result = Expression.Variable(typeof(string), "result");
var loopEnd = Expression.Label();
MethodInfo method_add_day = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType("Test").GetMethod("increaseDay");
MethodInfo method_write = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType("Test").GetMethod("addVisitDay");
var func = Expression.Lambda<Func<string, int, string>>(
Expression.Block(new[] { result }, Expression.Assign(result, prmA),
Expression.Block(new[] { loopDays }, Expression.Assign(loopDays, Expression.Constant(0)),
Expression.Block(new[] { dayDate }, Expression.Assign(dayDate, Expression.Constant(DateTime.Now))),
Expression.LessThanOrEqual(loopDays, prmB)),
Expression.Block(new[] { dayDate }, Expression.Assign(dayDate, Expression.Call(method_add_day, loopDays))),
Expression.Assign(result, Expression.Call(method_write, result, loopDays)),
result), prmA, prmB);
return func.Compile();