Microsoft defines InvokeFast() method to invoke an F# first class function value with two curried arguments. In some cases this will result in a more efficient application than applying the arguments successively
In this post we implement a basic use of FSharpFunc's InvokeFast, with a curried functions' structure
We begin top-to-bottom, so we first define a FSharpFunc which will takes a string param and will return a double value
In this post we implement a basic use of FSharpFunc's InvokeFast, with a curried functions' structure
We begin top-to-bottom, so we first define a FSharpFunc which will takes a string param and will return a double value
FSharpFunc<string, double> doublefunc = FuncConvert.ToFSharpFunc<string, double>((item) => getDouble(item));
static double getDouble(string item) => Convert.ToDouble(item);
After, we define a FSharpFunc which will takes a parameter type int, and will curry the function just created, with this implementation
FSharpFunc<int, FSharpFunc<string, double>> func = FuncConvert
.ToFSharpFunc<int, FSharpFunc<string, double>>(i => doublefunc);
Now we initialize a variable type int to test the functionality
int o = 2;
double test = FSharpFunc<int, string>.InvokeFast<double>(func, o, await getString_async(await getNumber_async(o)));